Charter Vote

In order to ensure a diverse array of voices and experiences on the Users' Executive Committee, we are proposing the wording changes to section III B of the NSLS-II UEC charter, as highlighted below:

B. The National Light Source II Users' Executive Committee

The National Light Source II Users' Executive Committee (UEC) shall consist of elected members together with a number of ex officio representatives. Five members will serve as the officers of the UEC (Chair, Vice Chair, Past Chair, Secretary, and Outreach Officer).

Six members shall be elected each year at the annual Users' Meeting for two-year terms as described in Section IV. Members of the NSLS-II UEC may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive two-year terms, after which they must cycle off of the UEC for a minimum of one (1) two-year term. Any member elected to the NSLS-II UEC may serve as Vice Chair, Chair, and Past Chair only once during their consecutive tenure on the UEC, and must cycle off the UEC for at least one (1) two-year term before being considered for the Chair line again.

The slate of ex officio representatives shall be determined as needed by majority consent of a quorum of the UEC and should be modified to reflect current user needs, but must minimally include the Photon Sciences Directorate User Administrator. Majority consent of a quorum of the UEC will be used to define which specific ex officio representatives are given voting privileges.

Please record your votes below.

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Life/Guest Number:  

I approve of the wording changes to the charter: